Who Are We?

Who is behind SpoonWear? We’re Sofi (AuDHD & chronically ill) and Stan (AuDHD), a married couple living in Baltimore with our son (he’s a cat). We both spent years struggling with… well… life before understanding our neurotypes and what our conditions meant for us. We know other people struggle with the same things and we wanted a way for all of us to be loud, proud, and confident about who we are! 

So that's why we created SpoonWear; an apparel brand made by us in collaboration with neurodivergent and disabled artists for all our “Spoonies” out there. “Spoonie” is a term used to describe people with chronic illness and neurodivergence who have to ration their energy, or “spoons”, differently due to the limitations of their condition. 

We want to give people a way to show their pride in their differences with fun designs and support for a good cause. We donate a portion of all the proceeds to various organizations that support disabled people, or directly back to the artists helping us collaborate on the designs. We understand living with chronic illness, disability, and neurodivergence is really hard, but we're all in this together. So thank you for being here <3